Things I learned

I forget things. Regularly. Unfortunately. So, here is where I will leave things I learn. Goodie goods that I feel are worth sharing and, ultimately for my own survival, worth remembering. Oh, and what ever of this here knowledge you choose to take with you or perhaps leave behind, know that it should be done at your own discretion.
Cheers, Barefoot Case.

Today I learned: to double check what you are putting into your hand before you touch your face. Rubbing toothpaste near your eye instead of moisturiser isn't as fun as it sounds. [14.04.11]

3 Things I Learned Today:
I am not the only person in the world with an irrational fear of silence; there is at least one other. Chivalry is not dead. A person who is nice to you but is not nice to the waiter is not a nice person. [29.03.11]